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This is me . . .

Telling you about myself, who I am as a person. A formal resume is also available on this website.

I grew up in a working-class family in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I am the youngest of five. My mother and father were greengrocers with two small shops where they mostly sold fruit, vegetables and flowers. We all worked together after school and on weekends. Sundays were special with family visits from my uncles, aunts and cousins.

My Uncle John’s exploits in WWII and his descriptions and frustrations in his role as a Belfast City Councillor, and founding member of the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, were always a topic of conversation in the shops—whether he was present or not.

Watch the film Belfast, and you will get a good idea of the type of house we lived in and of the experiences of sectarian violence that surrounded us all for four years. I was happy to leave all that behind and become a “Canadian by choice” when I moved here in 1973. I was in my late teens.

Canadian by Choice

I landed in Ottawa as a young, single immigrant, became a Canadian citizen in 1975, and became a Nova Scotian in 1976! My life partner of close to 50-years is Gerry Cudmore, a recently retired carpenter. One of the truly good guys. We have two sons, Dorion Cudmore and Adam Cudmore.

We have lived in Kings County since 1976. Firstly, in the Village of New Minas, then in the Hamlet of Greenwich, and now in Delhaven, on the shores of the Minas Basin.

As a school girl I started volunteering in Belfast with War on Want. Here in Canada, my first volunteer role was as President of the New Minas Elementary PTA. I dove in at the deep end because it was a time when the association was determined to lobby for a new middle school.

That was my earliest introduction to politics in Canada and the value of speaking up for what was needed. With the help (and dare I say tricks) of Harry Howe who was not averse to regaling his own party, the Evangeline Middle School soon opened.

I worked for Hostess Foods, the Royal Bank, and beside Gerry in our own furniture refinishing family business “The Village Stripper” while raising two preschoolers. Taken together, it all gave me a thorough understanding of our local economy and what it takes to help our urban and rural communities succeed.

All in the Family

Dorion is a heavy-duty mechanic. He owns and operates Calibre Equipment in Keswick Ridge, NB. Adam is a crane operator, workplace safety officer, and property developer in Harriston, NS. They are now in their forties.

I must tell you about my daughters-in-law. Anna Leigh Snyder (a pharmacist) and Monique Harvie (a massage therapist) are both Nova Scotia born and are best described as the daughters I never had. As the teenage sweethearts of our boys we’ve watched them grow into the powerful, kind women they are.

When my boys went off to school, I did too. I earned an honours degree in Psychology (1989 Acadia) and a masters degree in Sociology (1990 Acadia) and while working my first post-graduation job, an Adult Learning Certificate (1993 Dalhousie).

After earning my Masters degree, I worked for many years as a senior administrator in the field of women and children’s health. I also ran my own consulting company for five years before retiring.

Two Terms on County Council

Why did I run for council? As a Greenwich resident, I was alerted by a Councillor of potential changes in my neighbourhood that could result in the loss of much farmland. I didn’t—and do not—want to see that happen. My activism on that issue just naturally lead me to run for county council.

I had just retired when I first was elected to council. My kids were grown with their own jobs and homes. So, since there were few other demands on my time, I was able to fulfil my obligations as a county councillor and then some.

In the latter half of my last term at council, we were blessed with our one and only (so far) grandchild.  Right on the heels of that, the whole of Kings County had to wrestle with COVID. My eight-year commitment to county council ended some months later in October 2020.  From a personal perspective, the timing handily aligned with my desire to be an active grandmother.

Happy Grandparents

In the four years since my time on county council I’ve been fully available and thrilled to support Adam and Monique as they navigated the joy and demands of busy new parents. I was free to happily step in during these preschool years. As we know, every virus that runs through child-care and early education centres eventually comes home. Sleepovers have been plentiful too.

Known as “Gran Gran” and “Bampi”, we’ve made the best of this freer time before Elizabeth arrives at a Primary, Grade One Split class this September. We continue to be wrapped up in the ever-busier life of Elizabeth with time at gymnastics, dance, Sparks, swim lessons, and play days with schoolmates. We will always be involved and love that, but know we are no longer as essential in a stand-by, day-to-day way. And, the truth is, Bampi is much more comfortable spending time with a five-year-old than with a diapered infant!

Ready to Serve Again

My initial interest in elected office began with a genuine wish to preserve farmland. This grew to include the broader municipal issues of building and greening our local economy and helping community-based organizations thrive.

When I sat at council I declared my stay would not be for decades! I thought two terms was the right length of service before stepping aside to make it possible for others to bring their own enthusiasm to the role without facing the daunting task of defeating an incumbent.

Now after a four-year break, largely dedicated to family, Peter Muttart is retiring and the position of Mayor is open. The time is right for me throw my hat in the ring again. So, once more, I am ready and fully available to serve the people of Kings County.

Authorized by the Official Agent for Pauline Raven
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