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A Mayor and Council ready to Lead

I am confident in the leadership skills I will bring to the position of Mayor and my ability to develop a strong team of councillors. Councillors are the democratically elected leaders chosen by each district to represent the specific interests of their area as well as the county as a whole.

As your Mayor, I will find ways to respect that each councillor has a leadership role to play. To be better, we will work as a team, steadily drawing an ever-broader base of residents and organizations towards our work.

When 7pm on October 19 arrives, we will blend the broad set of experiences and different, useful backgrounds each of us will arrive with.

I will lead by building on the immense positivity we all hold regarding this county we call home. Our drive to work with our constituents, our towns, villages and growth centres will be at the core of why we will be better at the end of our four years together than at the beginning.

I have always been able to improve upon the capacity of groups, even where real differences are present, to get good work done. With me as your Mayor, your council will excel.

Authorized by the Official Agent for Pauline Raven
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