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Responses to housing questionnaire from Homeless No More

My answers to your questions are below. Thank you for seeking input from candidates. Taken together, I am positive many useful answers will be received.

Wishing you the very best in your future work with municipalities in our region!

  1. If elected, what action(s) will you take to address housing in your community?

    As Mayor, I will lead council to address the urgent need for affordable rental and/or home-purchases as a priority.

  2. In your opinion, what are the housing needs of people living in your district or municipal unit?

    It is notable that mayor and all councillors are mandated to consider all districts, not only his/her/its own. A variety of age groups require help with housing, from youth living rough, because they cannot find an affordable rental unit, to seniors living in higher income circumstances, who downsize as they age and may loss the ability to manage homeownership. When mental health, physical disability and/or addiction issues are also present, the complexity of how best to provide safe and/or affordable options increases. Delivering appropriate housing to meet demand will require input from those without housing, governments at all levels, developers, and organizations like yours who are connected and have first-hand knowledgeable of current issues.

  3. What role do you think municipal government can play in addressing those needs?
    • Through a community engagement strategy, council can meet and learn from key community associations, both local and beyond our borders who have been successful in bringing projects to the finish line. This will provide council, as the leaders in this process, with the right information for to be considered in their review of regulations within our current growth centres.
    • Council through its Chief Administrative Officer, can pass a motion to review the Land Use Bylaw to amend regulations for Growth Centres, ensuring opportunities for the development of affordable housing are maximized.
    • Create effective policy and a standing committee of council to guide ongoing work aimed at increasing the supply of affordable housing units.

    In other words, council, under bold leadership regarding affordable housing, can clearly articulate the results we expect staff recommendations to achieve.

    We can, and must, be a willing partner, some of my suggestions include:

    • Ensure modular homes are made compliant with appropriate zones within our Land Use Bylaw. (Built in a factory setting these can reduce construction costs, decrease construction time, and add energy efficiencies. The economy of scale related to producing multiple units of a similar type contributes to affordability).
    • Find the right pathway to the long-term lease of surplus government-owned land (municipal, provincial, and federal) to non-profits and/or developers because removing the cost of purchasing land will decrease the end cost for housing.
    • Building all homes to a high energy efficiency standard to lessen heating and cooling costs for the long-term.
    • Create a strategy that will see development through the lens of creating communities versus “just housing.”
  4. If elected, what are you willing to do to ensure that your council addresses the issue of housing in your community?

    In Summary:

    • Consult.
    • Set ambitious timelines for results.
    • Invest through leasing of land, grants to non-profit housing organizations.
    • Create a standing committee on affordable housing to guide community engagement and ongoing work.

  5. What are your questions or comments about housing?
  • It is important that sustainable materials and energy efficiency not be neglected to decrease costs of supply.
  • It is important that affordable housing is well-managed post construction. Rental housing must be well-maintained to assure positive relationships between residents and owners (associations and developers). Creating isolated streets and/or communities where residency will be dominated by individuals and/or families living in low-income circumstances has not provided secure housing in the past. Examples of this can be seen at various locations managed through the Regional Housing Authority).
  • Housing cooperatives should be considered.


Authorized by the Official Agent for Pauline Raven
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